Osteoporosis Test - New Life

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Osteoporosis Test

Have any of your family members suffered a hip fracture after a slight bump or fall?

Have you fractured any of your bones after a slight bump or fall?

Have you used corticosteroids (cortisone, prednisone, etc.) for more than three months?

Have you lost more than three centimeters in height?

Do you regularly drink alcohol excessively (more than two glasses a day)?

Do you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day?

Do you often have diarrhea due to celiac (intestinal allergy) or Crohn's (intestinal inflammation)?

Did you go through menopause before 45?

Apart from pregnancy, have you missed your period for 12 months or longer?

You have a factor that may indicate a risk for osteoporosis. This does not mean you have osteoporosis. However, you should consult your doctor about your bone health.
You do not have any risk factors for osteoporosis. However, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle, including adequate calcium intake and exercise, to support strong bones.
I don't know
Your responses indicate that you have several risk factors that suggest you might have osteoporosis. We recommend you consult your doctor as soon as possible and get a bone mineral density test if advised.