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IFOS Certification

The International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) Program is an independent program that is affiliated with the Guelph Research Park University based in Canada and that tests Omega-3 products for high purity, compliance with the stated Omega-3 content, stability and heavy metals/chemical waste according to the criteria set out by the World Health Organization WHO) and the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

The IFOS Program assesses Omega-3 products based on various criteria and these products get one star for every criterion they are approved for.

IFOS assesses Omega-3 products according to four criteria:
  • Concentration
  • Purity, reliability, cleanliness
  • Stability
  • Level of heavy metal and mercury
  1. Concentration: It is the field that studies the ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil. It checks whether the EPA-DHA ratios stated on the product’s label are actually present in the product itself. The IFOS Program categorizes products based on the ratio of concentration in the fish oil.
  • Extra Refined Products Category: These are Omega-3 products with an EPA and DHA concentration of over 60% in one gram of fish oil.
  • Children’s Products Category: According to the National Health Institute, for products marketed for children, 5 mL of fish oil must contain at least 150 mg of DHA.
  1. Purity, reliability, cleanliness: It is the criterion used to analyze the purity and reliability of products in terms of chemical waste. Levels of PCB (polychlorobiphenyls), dioxin and furan, which are common contaminants and pesticides, are analyzed to check if they pass the acceptance limits. PCB (polychlorobiphenyls), dioxin and furan especially pile up in the adipose tissue of animals. More than 90% of human exposure is caused by consumption of food that contains these chemicals, in particular meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. These chemicals are quite toxic and may cause development disorders, harm the immune system, lead to hormonal disorders or even cancer.
  1. Stability: Also known as shell life, stability means how fast and easily a product can spoil under storage conditions. Omega-3 fatty acids can easily spoil due to heat and light. IFOS researches the durability of Omega-3 products throughout their shell lives and certificates their ability to preserve stability.
  1. Level of heavy metal and mercury: This criterion analyzes the levels of heavy metals in Omega-3 products and checks if they pass the acceptance limits. Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium values are analyzed. Heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury accumulate in human body and in time, they cause central nervous system disorders and neurological disorders, vision and sensory loss.
  1. When a product is approved for these 4 criteria, another star is added, so that it earns the IFOS 5 stars.


Omega-3 products that pass these criteria and get IFOS-certified means that they are reliable. Since 2009, EFA products get an IFOS report both for the raw material and the finished product in each range. For IFOS reports of EFA products, you can visit the New Life’s website or https://certifications.nutrasource.ca/certified-products?type=certification&value=IFOS.

For IFOS quality analysis reports: