Home - New Life

All of our products are available in pharmacies.

First 100% Herbal Vitamin D

The First Vitamin K2

The First 4th Generation of Active Folic Acid

The First Active Form COQ10 (COQH)

The First Sublingual Vitamin B12

First IFOS Quality Approval for Omega 3

Liquid Fish Oil with the Most DHA

Our Products


New Life products offer omega-3 fish oils, vitamins, minerals, plant-based products and antioxidant supplements for different age groups and therapeutic areas.

“When choosing products marketed under the New Life brand, we make sure that they are innovative products with the most effective ingredients.”

“Today, most of our products are either the only or the first ones in Türkiye in terms of various features.”

Fish Oil &
Heart Health

Fish oil supplements contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which your body needs for numerous functions from muscle activity to cell growth. The body cannot produce Omega-3 fatty acids itself, but receives them through nutrition.

Fish Oil &
Heart Health

Fish oil supplements contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which your body needs for many functions, from muscle activity to cell growth. The body cannot produce Omega-3 fatty acids itself, but receives them through nutrition.